Ancient Sikh Sword (kirpan)

Blades Swords

KIRPAN (super sharp)

This 37.5-inch Kirpan has a blade made of steel(Kamani) which is held by a breathtaking scabbard crafted using wood, leather and an iron piece on the tip.

The scabbard is designed in such a way, to protect the blade from scratches and damage. It is Dark Red in color and made of authentic leather, which has a slight pattern on it, thus providing durability and an attractive appearance.

The scabbard is wrapped with a golden thick Thread which is used to keep the blade held in the scabbard, it sorts of works like a lock.

This Kirpan is a delight to look at because of scabbard (cover) complemented by a gorgeous braided rope. This work of art has been specially crafted to capture both the spirit and grace of sacred Kirpan.

It has a blade which is most flexible and hard at the same time and also Stamped by (Bidhichand clan of sikhs from Punjab)

The handle is crafted using the finest Iron available and has a smooth finish to it which screams Power and Class.

The metals used are of premium quality, because when it comes to artifacts that represent Sikh Religion, using anything other than the best available, is not an option.

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