300 fps Bear Compound Bow with Over $150 tools

Archery Bows
Bow Type
Compound Bow
Right Handed or Ambidextrous

Salute RTH 2020 Hunting Compound Bow

Firing arrows towards your target at speeds up to 300 fps, a peak draw weight range of 50 to 70 lbs. and a draw length range of 20"-30". RTH package includes: Trophy Ridge 3-pin sight, Quick Shot Whisker Biscuit, and D-loop. Highly adjustable
RTH package includes: 3-pin sight, Quick Shot Whisker Biscuit, and D-loop
Detail in  https://www.abbeyarchery.com.au/p/BACA7SL1127WM20/Salute+RTH+2020+Hunting+Compound+Bow.htmll

I will Add Compound Bow Press String Changer Adjust Tools Handheld Portable  $63 + Uninstalled peephole $10 + Wire tying tools and brand new wire $ 30+ hard bow case $68

Total is $349.9+63+10+30+68=$520.9+tax

now only $300 

Only used 3 times. Becasue I tried it and found archery a bit boring for me.

Hunting arrows extre $90, I cost $120 and never used.

Training  aluminum arrows for free with the bow

This weekend going to Victoria.

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