No longer can new handgun transfers be initiated under the current law, unless the buyer meets one of the exemptions. Read here
Frequently Asked Questions
PAL stands for Possession Acquisition License. That is what you need to buy or possess firearms(currently with a couple of exceptions, see FAQ "Do I need a PAL to purchase firearms").
You can get one buy taking the Firearms Safety Course. Check for local ads on the internet for businesses that provide this service. They can instruct you on the application process once you complete the course and test.
There are currently 3 exceptions where you do not need a PAL. A flint lock muzzleloading rifle, or an air gun with a rated velocity of less than 500 feet per second, or a firearm that is classified as "antique status".
However, laws can change from time to time. So you should verify that this information is still current by checking with the RCMP at, or you can call them at 1-800-731-4000.
To sell, trade or give an air gun that is less than 500fps, or a flintlock muzzle loading rifle, a PAL(Possession Acquisition License) is NOT required.
Laws can change from time to time. Here is the link for CFP so that you can verify that the above summary is accurate. Or you can call them at 1-800-731-4000.
No. Your email address is NOT shared with other users.
No. Your home address will NOT be shared with other users.
When someone views a post of yours, if they click "view map", they will see the general area that you are located for basic directional information. The map only uses your postal code in order to do this. That way no one can zero in on your home address.
If you prefer, you can even just use the first 3 characters of your postal code to make it an even broader location.
You can simply pay for the "ad upgrade" of "bump up" when editing your ad. Doing this will put your ad back to the top of a search as if it is a new post. Then it will be another 90 days before expiry. The "bump up" upgrade only costs $1.29.
If your ad is already expired, you can still find it for 14 days by going to "My Account" > "My Posts" > "Expired Ads".
You can still use "Bump Up" when they are in your "Expired Ads"
These 6 steps are exactly what we will ask you to do in that order if you contact us. So please go through the below steps prior to contacting us.
1. Often people will sign up for our email newsletter, or a free gun contest that we are offering, and make the mistake of thinking that they now have an account for buy and sell with GunPost. The two are not the same thing. So as long as you do have an account already, I can help you recover it.
In most cases if we block someone's account it is because there was something suspicious about an ad that they posted, or if the ad violated one of our Terms of Use. Or someone has reported a seller to be suspicious in communicating with them after replying to their ad.
We tend to lean on the side of caution and block first and ask questions later if something seems suspicious about a seller on the site. We do this to protect the buyers who use GunPost.
Anytime that someone has emailed us saying that they are getting error messages when posting an ad, and nobody else on the site is having a problem, we ask them to clear their browser's cache. 99% of the time that fixes the problem that the member is having.
The other 1% of the time they are just not filling out the form right, maybe leaving certain fields blank. Either way, those things should come up in the error message.
For those who do not understand what I mean about clearing your browser's cache, below is a brief explanation.
We have recently updated our policy on usage of the Member Ratings/Reviews section. The new policy states:
"Member Ratings/Review section; You are only to post a review/rating on a seller or buyer that you have actually agreed on a deal with, or completed a transaction with. Basically, do not submit a negative review on someone when you were attempting to work out a deal and it fell through in one way or another. Only post a review if you have agreed on a deal, transferred funds, or delivered the product, whether by shipping or in person.
The way that it works is that there are only 3 slots of top ads shown at one time.
The site arranges the ads by category and location.
So when there are several ads that have been upgraded to 'Top Ad', which there usually is, the site randomly displays a different 3 each time that you navigate to the next page, or if you were to refresh the browser.
Now as someone refines their search, your ad will naturally have less ads to compete with.
There are a few ways to locate the person's profile
If it was a buyer, or someone who inquired on your ad. That first email that you got from the member through the site has his/her profile name as a clickable link just under the GunPost logo. You can click that and it will take you to the profile where you can leave a review at the bottom of the page.
Or, if it was a seller, and if the ad is still up, or if the person has other ads up, just click the 'leave a review' option in the message member box there.
When you are on the site, go to the top right corner of the screen and click "register" (On Mobile you may have to scroll down a bit a choose "create an account")
Then you will enter your desired username, then your email address in the next box.
Then you will click the reCAPTCHA checkbox which says "I'm not a robot". Then click "create account".
Then there will be a green message that comes up saying that "further instructions have been sent to your email"
If you are expecting an email from the site and not getting them;
- the email for finishing your account set up
- the email for a password reset
- an email explaining why your ad was declined
- an email letting you know that your ad is active, or approved
- or you are getting ZERO email inquiries on your listing that you posted
More than likely, your emails from GunPost are going to your junk/spam folder in your email. So go have a look there.